Books by Stephen King (9)


'Salem's Lot by Stephen King EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
#1 BESTSELLER • Ben Mears has returned to Jerusalem’s Lot in hopes that exploring the history of the Marsten House, an old mansion long the subject of rumor and speculation, will help him cast out his personal devils and provide inspiration for his new book. But when two young boys venture into the woods, and only one returns alive, Mears begins to realize that something sinister is at work. In fact, his hometown is under siege from forces of darkness far beyond his imagination. And only he, with a small group of allies, can hope to contain the evil that is growing within the borders of this s... continue


Carrie by Stephen King EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Carrie is a 16 year-old girl who is repressed by her fanatical mother. She is humiliated by her classmates for her ignorance of the facts of life. However, she possesses terrifying telekinetic powers that could make inanimate objects move. After being humiliated once too often, her inner rage erupts.


Christine by Stephen King EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Arnie Cunningham is in love with his car. Christine, the car, is in complete control. "Vintage King . . . breathtaking, awesome. Carries such momentum the reader must force himself to slow down."--"New York Times Book Review" Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.


Der Outsider by Stephen King DE

0 Ratings
Im Stadtpark von Flint City wird die geschändete Leiche eines elfjährigen Jungen gefunden. Augenzeugenberichte und Tatortspuren deuten unmissverständlich auf einen unbescholtenen Bürger: Terry Maitland, ein allseits beliebter Englischlehrer, zudem Coach der Jugendbaseballmannschaft, verheiratet, zwei kleine Töchter. Detective Ralph Anderson, dessen Sohn von Maitland trainiert wurde, ordnet eine sofortige Festnahme an, die in aller Öffentlichkeit stattfindet. Der Verdächtige kann zwar ein Alibi vorweisen, aber Anderson und der Staatsanwalt verfügen nach d... continue


Holly by Stephen King EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her partner, Pete, has Covid. Her mother has just died. And Holly is meant to be on leave. But something in Penny Dahl's desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down


Later by Stephen King EN

0 Ratings
“Part detective tale, part thriller…touching and genuine.” —The New York Times #1 bestselling author Stephen King returns with a brand-new novel about the secrets we keep buried and the cost of unearthing them. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER SOMETIMES GROWING UP MEANS FACING YOUR DEMONS The son of a struggling single mother, Jamie Conklin just wants an ordinary childhood. But Jamie is no ordinary child. Born with an unnatural ability his mom urges him to keep secret, Jamie can see what no one else can see and learn what no one else can learn. But the cost of using thi... continue


Pet Sematary : A Novel by Stephen King EN

Rating: 5 (4 votes)
A horror story of a children's pet cemetery and another graveyard behind it from which the dead return.


The Stand by Stephen King EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
#1 BESTSELLER • NOW A PARAMOUNT+ LIMITED SERIES • Stephen King’s apocalyptic vision of a world blasted by plague and tangled in an elemental struggle between good and evil remains as riveting—and eerily plausible—as when it was first published. One of The Atlantic’s Great American Novels of the Past 100 Years! This edition includes all of the new and restored material first published in The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition. A patient escapes from a biological testing facility, unknowingly carrying a deadly weapon: a mutated strain of super-flu that will wipe out 99 percent of the world’s ... continue